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    Your Current Location:Home > Product Display > Water Treatment Chemicals

    Water treatment pharmaceutical products

    Membrane chemicals

    • Scale inhibitor   It is applicable to surface water, groundwater, reclaimed water reuse, desalination, landfill leachate treatment, high temperature evaporator and oil production process

    • Bactericide   It is suitable for surface water, groundwater, reclaimed water reuse, seawater desalination and landfill leachate treatment

    • Detergent  Inorganic salt, metal and hydroxide pollution Membrane equipment polluted by oil, biological mucous membrane and organic colloid


    Chemicals for circulating water

    • Corrosion and scale inhibitor   Circulating water system in power, chemical, oil refining, pharmaceutical, steel and other industries

    • Corrosion inhibitor      Daily operation and cleaning corrosion inhibition of cooling water system made of carbon steel, stainless steel, copper and copper alloy

    • Bactericidal Algicide   Circulating water system in power, chemical, oil refining, pharmaceutical, steel and other industries

    • Slime stripper  Circulating water system in power, chemical, oil refining, pharmaceutical, steel and other industries

    • Cleaning premembrane    Cleaning pre membrane of circulating water system


     Chemicals for sewage treatment

    • Defoamer    Sewage treatment, evaporator

    • Flocculant     Sewage treatment system, reclaimed water treatment system, purified water treatment system

    • Heavy metal catcher   Wastewater treatment of electroplating, petrochemical, nonferrous metal refining and processing, desulfurization wastewater, mining and beneficiation, etc

    • MBR cleaning agent  MBR membrane reactor cleaning, sewage integrated system cleaning

    • Flora       Industrial sewage and municipal sewage  Biochemical treatment



